måndag 28 december 2009

God jul och glatt nytt trauma


1. Emmy 2. J 3. Bandbilden 4. Tat-flash


1. J 2. Donuts och Ben&Jerry, US 3. Familjelyckan
4. Chica 5. kåkstäder 6. Emmy i Lyckan

lördag 19 december 2009

tisdag 15 december 2009

torsdag 10 december 2009

Har haft lite kramp och älskat med livet

Vi, ni får tolka precis hur ni vill, hur som helst
Har denna lust till att vilja skriva provercerats fram av sjukdomens dis eller kommer den från något annat håll. inte vet jag.
Jag vill iaf skriva om minnen, först och främst vackra men elaka minnen som innefattar rätt mycket sjukdomar, familj och vänner och lilla kära jag. Jag i mina ynkliga fattiga tider. Varför denna lust att känna efter kring dessa gamla godingar.
Jag undrar om jag fortfarande får skylla på sjukdomens dis, får jag? Förmodligen inte. Om ändå.

Jag ska nog börja med en slags nya inlägg, minnesinlägg. Mkey.
Inte just nu för jag behöver båda mina ögon och alla mina tio fingrar för att föra dessa godisar till min mun, för att sedan tugga som kräver mer ansträngning än vad man kan tro.
Ligger med bart bröst och svettas, ska nu fortsätta och kurera, ser fram emot minnesinläggen dock, det ska bli gott ska bara fundera på hur elak jag får vara, vars mina begränsningar ska börja, tro nu inte att jag ska vara så förskönande men jag tror än dock på att vara en aning snäll.

Dagen har blivit till Lunch och fick just höra att salmonella är ett alternativ. Jag säger nej tack.

Citat från riktig morgon " I love you just as mutch as your sisters loves you, the blood and the flesh is the diference, so i love you a little bit less, just because of that"


tisdag 8 december 2009

måndag 7 december 2009

fredag 4 december 2009


To Nick

i made this page for you to show you how much you mean to me!! i wish i could have you back you mean the world to me.We were so good together ever since we first saw eachother we knew that we were suppose to be together.i kno the reasons why you really said that it was over and i kno that it killed you to do it.but baby there is always a second try for everything. i kno that you were scared when i said that i wanted to be together forever but the reason why i said that is i fell things for you that i never have with some one else you mean the world to me and i would do anything for you.the day you broke up with me i was so scared i flet like i lost a peice of me and i would never get it back. didnt really understand what was going on at first that i couldnt be true. life finally hite me!!! You are the one that i love and the only one that i love right now and maybe forever. you are my world and right now i feel like i have no world. you mean so much to me words could never explain. i find it so strange because when i talk to you about things you always seem to understand were im comming from and you always support my ideas.so how or another i dont want to lose this love. yes i thoughtt hat i was in love befor but that didnt trun out to be becaue it was a one way thing. but with you its different because i kno that you love me back. that day when you looked at me and said that you really loved me i knew that it was true bye the way when you looked at me you had a sparkle in your eye like i ment the world to you. like you were finally happy to.some people are scared of love but how can you be scared of something you domt even know how to explain?? all i kno is what my heart tells me! and that is that i love you and want to be loved by you too!!

wish we were together i love the times we share and i would give anything to be together and get those times back


is there a real meaning to love can anyone really explain what it is???